Deutschen Pfest is May 15 – 17, 2015.

Deutschen Pfest Update:
The Deutschen Pfest Committee met Wednesday evening, and decided that Deutchen Pfest will continue as scheduled. The committee should be determining whether or not the carnival is able to enter the Pfestival grounds. If the carnival cannot access the park, the pfestival will still continue with the remaining vendors.


Thursday Set-Up: Everyone who signed up for storage pick-up will be meeting at the storage unit at 4:15 pm to load the truck. Everyone else who signed up for set-up should be at the park by 5:00 pm. All members are more than welcome to attend the set-up this afternoon, even if you didn't sign up.

The following people are scheduled for Thursday set-up:
Randy Reese, Manuel, Heather Bridges, Serita Lacasse, Kenneth Kidd, Rob House, Matt Sparkman, Jim McDonald, Jessica Havey, Boyd Hemphill, Chris Davenport, Shannon Coleman, Jeff Colman, and Bob Evans. 

On Friday we will need to finish set-up. All members are more than welcome to show up early to help finalize all decorations.

We have the following people scheduled for Friday Set-Up: Randy Reese, Amy Ellsworth, Manuel, Serita Lacasse, Judi Carter, and Jim McDonald.


If you are scheduled to work, please allow yourself ample time to find parking or take the shuttle. Plan to arrive 20 - 30 minutes before your scheduled shift . If an emergency arises, and you cannot make your shift, please contact Serita Lacasse at 512-470-3943 or Chelsea Robertson at 512-751-8894. There will be copies of those who signed up for booths/shifts available at every booth.

If you do not remember which spots/booths you signed up for you can go back to this website, log-in, and check your spots.


Make sure to show up for your shifts, rain or shine!!


The following members have Square, and are able to accept credit card payments: Chelsea Robertson, Bob Evans, William Fischer, Matt Sparkman, Barbara Najera, Serita Lacasse, Mary Ann Provance, Dale Woodkey, Jim McDonald, and Nancy Ledbetter.

Just look for the members with Square stickers on their aprons.


Bob Evans is our main contact for all things Deutschen Pfest. He is running the show this year, in Shannon's absence. You can contact him at 512-560-0020.