Mar 22, 2023 12:00 PM
Eddie Garcia
Topic:What is going on in Farms Market , Volunteers,
Eddie M. Garcia
Volunteer & Senior Coordinator
Parks & Recreaon Department
City of Pugerville
On March 12, 2023, I completed my 11
year working for the COP. My original working tle was
Community Services Coordinator sense then my tle has changed a couple of mes; to
Community Programs Coordinator during COVID-19 to my current tle of Volunteer & Senior
Coordinator in January 2023. Though the tle has changed, my responsibilies are the same, I
manage the Pfarmers Market, the Community Gardens, the Adopt A Trail and Adopt A Spot
programs, volunteer programs and the Senior acvies.
My wife and I were raised in Uvalde, TX, we both a4ended Robb Elementary School as well as
Junior High and High School. We have a son, Jacob who is 23 years old. I’m rered USDA Soil
Conservaon Service/Natural Resources Conservaon Service (32 years). My experience with
SCS - NRCS has given me the ability to serve the COP in the best possible way by implemenng
the best management pracces I learned through the years. I am extremely passionate when it
comes to conservaon, especially when it comes to polluon of our creeks, parks, and Lake
Pugerville. It gives me great pleasure and sasfacon to know that as the volunteer
coordinator, I have tasked and partnered with hundreds of volunteers, whether they are
individuals or groups to help Keep Pugerville Beauful.